Form patent and utility model

Contact information
* Mandatory information for the processing of your request.
Information on the patent / utility model
The more information you leave in the following, the faster we can process your request:
More than one selection possible
(accepted file formats: .jpg or .pdf; maximum file size 3 MB; maximum 3 files – please upload multiple files together)
A maximum of 3 files are allowed! Please upload again.
The maximum file size has been exceeded! Please upload again.
Optional add-ons
Please provide a budget of at least 300 € (the higher the budget, the more extensive the search will be)
For an additional fee of 25 % on the offer for the application (but at least 500 €) your application will be processed by us with priority
100 € per drawing
300 € official fees (plus 100 € lawyer’s fee)
Filing of a (non-binding) request for acceleration for 100 €
350 € official fees (plus 100 € lawyer’s fee)
Filing of a (non-binding) request for acceleration for 100 €
Check whether the disclosure document is in accordance with the documents filed for 100 €
250 € official fees (plus 130 € lawyer’s fee)
Check whether the utility model document is in accordance with the documents filed for 100 €
Filing of a request for acceleration for 200 €
Check whether the utility model document is in accordance with the documents filed for 100 €
Filing of a so-called PACE request for 100 € (for an accelerated processing of the search by the European Patent Office)
Examination fees in the amount of 1,840 € official fees (plus 260 € our fee) and designation fees in the amount of 660 € official fees (plus 190 € our fee)
Filing of a so-called PACE request for 100 € (for an accelerated processing of the examination by the European Patent Office)
Check whether the disclosure document is in accordance with the documents filed for 100 €