German Trademark Attorney / Trademark Lawyer Germany / Trademark Agent
Our German Patent and IP Law firm with Trademark Attorney / Trademark Lawyer in Germany, being a European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney as well as a German Certified IP Lawyer assists colleagues and companies from around the world in intellectual property matters for years. It would be a pleasure for us to act for you as legal representative, trademark specialist, intellectual property agent or trademark agent in Germany.
We offer e.g. the following IP services in Germany and Europe (often for competitive flat fees):
- Representation at Trademark Offices by European and German Patent Attorney (e.g. at the German Trademark Office (GPTO) in Munich, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante):
- German trademark application to get a German trademark registration (trademark prosecution)
- EU trademark application to get a Community trademark registration in the European Union
- International trademark application at the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) in Geneva
- Responding to provisional refusals of the trademark offices (draft of counter-statements for the examiner at the Trademark Office)
- Filing of appeals against unfavorable decisions of Trademark Offices and handling appeal proceedings
- Filing and handling of opposition proceedings against German trademarks and European Union trademarks
- Filing and handling of cancellation requests (e.g. non-use attacks or attacks due to absolute grounds for refusal etc.)
- Taking over of representation of pending trademark applications or registered trademarks
- Handling of register changes (e.g. changes of a name, address or ownership, assignments)
- Address for correspondence in Germany
- Trademark renewals in Germany, the European Union and further countries
- …
- Extrajudicial representation in intellectual property law matters
- Sending of or replying to warning letters (“Abmahnung“) due to violations of trademark law or other IP rights with declarations to cease and desist (“Unterlassungserklärungen“)
- Authorization requests (“Berechtigungsanfragen“)
- Interim injunctions / preliminary rulings due to trademark infringements
- Law suits and other legal proceedings due to trademark violations
- …
- Additonal IP services in trademark law:
- Trademark surveillance and brand monitoring in Germany, the European Union or further country (also with the involvement of external service providers)
- Trademark searches (similarity and distinctiveness opinions)
- Trademark consulting
- Drafting and negotiating of trademark agreements (e.g. co-existence agreements, license agreements)
- Taking care and managing of IP portfolios
- IP consulting
- …
Just get in contact with our German Trademark Law Firm with Patent Attorney and Certified IP Lawyer to find out more, how we can assist you.