βΆ German Trademark Attorney / Trademark Lawyer in Germany: You have questions? We have answers! β
As a German Patent and IP Law Firm, our German Trademark Attorney / Trademark Lawyer in Germany (European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney / German Certified IP Lawyer) has already assisted many clients and colleagues from around the world in trademark matters in Germany and further countries (e.g. with a German trademark registration, a EU trademark registration / European Union trademark, an accelerated trademark for the Amazon brand registry / Amazon FBA trademark, International trademark, trademark renewals of German and European Union trademarks, trademark searches in the trademark registers etc.).
If you have questions for a Trademark Lawyer in Germany (or German Trademark Attorney), it is likely, that we have the answers. Feel free to get in contact with us!
In the following, we let you have a short summary of popular questions in regard to trademark law in Germany with respective answers (for more detailed information to your very case, just contact us):
How do I register a brand in Germany? How do I register my brand in Germany?
If you have a contact address in Germany you may theoretically try to register the trademark yourself through the German Trademark Office in Munich (precisely, the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO / German Trademark Office)). However, if you require professional assistance to avoid potential (expensive) mistakes it may be recommendable to entrust IP professionals like us (e.g. a German Patent Attorney / Patent Lawyer in Germany or a German Trademark Lawyer / Trademark Attorney in Germany).
How long does it take to register a trademark in Germany? What is the duration of a German trademark registration?
As the registration of a German trademark at the German Trademark Office in Munich (GPTO) has to be checked by a trademark examiner and each case may be different (e.g. in regard to the workload of the concerned examiner), there is no strict time frame when a trade mark will be registered in Germany. However, in a smooth case with no complaint or other provisional refusal, the duration from application to registration of a German trademark at the GPTO is ideally between 4 weeks and 4 months.
Is there an accelerated trademark application in Germany for an express trademark registration in Germany?
Yes, there is an accelerated trademark application in Germany available to get your German trademark protection as fast as possible. By paying some additional official fees, your application has priority at the German Trademark Office and you often receive the registration certificate after a few weeks in a smooth case β in some cases even after a few days.
What is the fastest way to get a registered trademark for the Amazon brand registry as Amazon FBA trademark?
One of the fastest ways to get a trademark registration for the Amazon brand registry (e.g. an Amazon FBA trademark) is the filing of a German trademark and the selection of the accelerated proceeding.
How much does a German trademark lawyer cost and what are the trademark lawyer fees?
It cannot be stated per se how much a German trademark lawyer costs and what are the trademark lawyer fees in Germany (or elsewhere) as this primarily depends on the ordered trademark lawyer services, e.g. a trademark search in Germany, a trademark registration in Germany (more precisely: a German trademark application to get trademark protection in Germany). When it comes to a trademark application in Germany the costs are normally separated between the official fees of the German Trademark Office in Munich and the trademark attorney fees. On our website you can find additional information about these costs for a trademark registration in Germany.
Do I have to use a German trademark? Is there a use requirement for trademarks in Germany?
Yes, you have to use a trademark in Germany and there is a use requirement for German trademarks. However, there is also a grace period for non-use of five years starting from the end of the opposition period or end of an opposition proceeding. This means, that you have to use the trademark in a sufficient way in Germany for the goods and services for which it claims protection.
What happens if I do not use a German trademark?
If a German trademark is registered for more than five years, a third party can file a cancellation request due to non-use at the German Patent and Trademark Office and it will be necessary, that you give detailed proof of use of the trademark in Germany in course of the proceeding to keep the trademark.
If you need further information from a German Trademark Attorney / Trademark Lawyer in Germany or about German trademark law in in general, feel free to contact our Patent and Intellectual Property Law Firm in Germany.