EUIPO / EU Trademark Application – Legal Representation for low flat fee!
If you have applied for a trademark at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) to get a registered Union trademark / EU trademark (either through the normal or the fast track procedure for an application) and are located outside the European Union, you may need a legal representation by a EUIPO representative like us to get your Union trademark registration. We can offer to take over the representation of your trademark at the EUIPO for a low flat fee. Just contact us!
In case you are located outside the European Union, filed a self-made trademark application and no representative has been appointed, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante sends you a notification / provisional refusal with a “Notice of absence of formal requirements (Article 41 EUTMR)”. The EUIPO herein informs you, that you need a representative to finalize the application procedure, so that the examination can proceed and there is (hopefully) an EU trademark registration in the end.
According to Article 119 (2) EUTMR, natural or legal persons having neither their domicile nor their principal place of business or a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in the European Economic Area shall be represented before the European Union Intellectual Property Office in accordance with Article 120 (1) in all proceedings provided for by EUTMR, other than the filing of an application for an EU trade mark.
Our German Patent and Intellectual Property Law Firm can assist you in all proceedings at the EUIPO. We provide extensive and cost-effective services in European Union trademark law starting from the trademark application proceeding, assistance when there is a complaint, problem or provisional refusal (e.g. based on absolute grounds of refusal like alleged descriptiveness) or representation in opposition proceedings or cancellation proceedings if a third party feels disturbed by your application. In addition to that, we also represent in cancellation and appeal proceedings against Union trademarks.
It would be a pleasure for us to assist you in trademark matters in the European Union. Feel free to get in contact with us and let us know the application number of your refused Union Trademark as well as the notification from the EUIPO which you have received, so that we have all the relevant details and can provide our flat fee offer for taking over the representation of your mark.
Just get in contact with our German Trademark Law Firm with Patent Attorney and Certified IP Lawyer to find out more, how we can assist you.